UX Design
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Samsung uPlus microsite
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Shell 'Let's Go' Online Campaign
adidas winning the Last Mile
Microsoft Employee Engagement
B&Q Activating Friendly Experts
Prudential Integrated Campaign
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Coca-Cola Email Football
Hypomanic is one person's vivid account of how they became aware of the existence of Hypomania through excessive study and the experimentation of recreational drugs inside a hedonistic orientated work life balance.

The story is set at The University of Westminster in London during 1995, almost eighteen months pre-diagnosis of bipolar. It covers the full anatomy of a nervous breakdown from a holistic point of view and across a wide range of issues.

It is written in the first person as a diary account of what happened to the author age 22 while studying Information Design at University and why he thinks the mental collapse happened. There are also intertwining subplots around the roles adopted by close friends and family during the downfall and subsequent comeback of the main protagonist.

Hypomanic is a clinically oriented scenario of exactly what happens to everyone involved with a young man who loses his mind and is sectioned under the mental health act.

As much as it serves as a warning to a younger audience, it is also a celebration of recovery and how a sufferer can not only survive the gruelling episode but also gain the courage and determination to reclaim their own mind and then fight to get back on their feet once again.

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© 2001 - 2012 Stuart J Wilson